Terms and Conditions


Welcome to Airlines Boarding Pass (“Airlines Boarding Pass”, “we”, “us”, or “our”). These agreements frame the principles and guidelines for the utilization of our site and administrations. By getting to this site or utilizing our administrations, you acknowledge these agreements in full. Try not to keep on utilizing Airlines Boarding Pass site or administrations on the off chance that you don’t acknowledge the entirety of the agreements expressed on this page.

Service Provision

Airlines Boarding Pass gives a stage to booking flight tickets. We go about as a mediator among you and the carrier organizations, working with the acquisition of tickets and related administrations.

User Obligations

  • You should give exact and finish data while booking a flight, including your name, telephone number, and email address.
  • You are answerable for guaranteeing that your movement game plans conform to every single appropriate regulation, including however not restricted to migration and customs guidelines.

Payment and Fees

  • You consent to pay all expenses and charges brought about for the administrations given by Airlines Boarding Pass.
  • Expenses and charges are nitty gritty during the booking system and should be paid according to the terms determined at the hour of booking.

Cancellation and Refunds

  • Retraction and discount strategies are administered by the agreements of the particular carrier. Airlines Boarding Pass will help with finishing up discounts where material, dependent upon the carriers’ arrangements.

Privacy and Data Use

  • We focus on your security by gathering just fundamental data vital for ticket issuance, which we expeditiously erase after the ticket is given, guaranteeing powerful insurance against unapproved access or divulgence.

Limitation of Liability

  • Airlines Boarding Pass will not be obligated for any immediate, backhanded, accidental, extraordinary, or significant harms coming about because of the utilization or powerlessness to utilize our administrations or for the expense of obtainment of substitute administrations.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

  • We maintain all authority to change these agreements whenever. Any progressions will be taking effect right now after posting on our site.

Governing Law

  • These agreements are administered by and understood as per the laws of the purview where Airlines Boarding Pass is enrolled, without giving impact to any standards of contentions of regulation.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact us at sales@airlinesboardingpass.online.

By using Airlines Boarding Pass services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.